Our Vision is the creation of a worldwide movement, network and alliance in the name of what we define as true medicine.
True medicine refers to the very core of the healing arts.
It is the essence of what brings forth human health and makes illness decline, be it physical, mental or spiritual. True medicine can take innumerable forms. It can appear as the right pill at the right time, or the right word for the right ears. It can be a chinese medical prescription oder a hug for the unloved. It can be an advice, a meditation or a warm soup on a cold day.
True medicine follows from the upright attitude in the practitioner’s heart. It takes into account the flow of nature and it’s underlying principles. It reconnects us with our roots and with the heavens. It emerges from the will to help and true compassion.
We want to connect practitioners from all different medical traditions, from nurses to folk healers, from western medical doctors to ayurveda-physicians, from classical chinese medicine practitioners to mental health advisors. Whoever feels the need for a deep and truthfull understanding of health and illness in this world, is welcomed to join us.

Over time, we will build a network of medical practitioners on which patients can rely worldwide. A network which will stand for a high standard of ethical integrety and high quality medicine in each field of practice.
Every practitioner listed on this site has proven his ethical integrety and expertise in his field of work and shares in heart the statements in our official charta.